Some of them might totally overhaul how you get stuff done. So whether you’re new to the Mac ecosystem, or if you’ve been looking for ways to make your existing Mac more useful, check out these apps. And some are so good that they warrant a monthly or annual subscription - especially if they really help you at your job or in a serious hobby like photography. While paying for software might seem like some pre-Google anachronism, many of the best Mac applications out there cost just a few dollars and can drastically improve your workflow or your day-to-day computer use - without any privacy concerns or intrusive advertising. But there’s a whole world of better and more powerful Mac software out there that can make everything from GIF-making to photo editing to window organization a whole lot easier. Apple’s macOS operating system has matured to the point where, out of the box, your new Mac laptop or desktop pretty much has the bases covered when it comes to email, calendar management, and some basic productivity tools.